What We Do?

Helping small Businesses Finance the Development of their Products or Services
Wayfunders brings together entrepreneurs, who need some modest financing for special projects development, with prospective customers and supports who want to see the products of those projects. Entrepreneurs are creative and innovative. They take old problems or new problems and come up with new solutions. But because those solutions are novel and unproven, the entrepreneurs may have difficulty finding conventional financing for product development. Enter “crowdfunding”. Let the market decide if the idea is worth pursuing!

Helping consumers get a head start on leading edge products and services that they want
Many companies and consumers want to be on the competitive edge. They want to access leading edge products and services. When they cannot find the products and services they want on the current market, they look for and find entrepreneurs who can develop those products or services. If you find them here, you can make a contribution toward the funding of those projects and ensure early access to those outcomes.